Collection: CVW73014MWM
Cette collection ne comporte aucun produit
The manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) is the price that a product's manufacturer recommends it be sold for at the point of sale.
BonPrix Électroménagers are authorized by distributors to sell new unpacked products, products with slight imperfections, refurbished products as well as end of series and surplus stock. All our products are 100% guaranteed parts and labor for 1 year with the possibility of extension. We offer discounts between 25% and 50% off the store retail price.
Visit one of our Stores in Montreal, Laval and Longueuil to speak with our knowledgeable sales staff to get the best prices on your appliances.
BONPRIX ÉLECTROMÉNAGERS | Depuis 2007 | Financement disponible*. Click here to financing
Cette collection ne comporte aucun produit